Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm feeling very old...yet very young

Hey girls!

I hope you are all doing well! How is the new job Naomi? Judy- how's vet school? I hear other vet students are already swamped. And Caton, how is the teaching- I'm excited to hear about it! [by the way...why doesn't anyone respond to my phone calls?] Anyway, I agree with Judy- I miss you guys even more now that I'm at school. I moved in yesterday- quite an ordeal. I'm the farthest building on the 3rd floor- 2nd story..and no- there is no elevator. I'm glad my mom was able to come with me and help me unload. The apartment is really pretty and my roommates seem nice- they're all sophomores, though. Kelsey is a Hotel student, Justin is an engineer, and Nick is a pre-med. It seems like it will work out- though this is their first time living off campus so they're all gung-ho about buying new things and such. Nick is the only one I think I have to worry about- he kind of reminds me of a strict Mike Bufano (very meticulous)- I think I'm going to have to pay more attention to my dirty pancake bowls and stuff around the house. Today I had my grad student orientation- kind of a waste of time, but I made some new friends so that's always good. They gave us free food and did an orientation speech, telling us how to spend our time when we're not studying. I've then been trying to write a couple essays for student teaching, too, but they're obviously not getting done right now. Anyway- I just wanted to write to you and say hi- I've been thinking about you all-let me know how all of you are doing (you guys should write in the blog more:) Hopefully I'll talk to you soon!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good Old Cornell

Hey all,

Kristin: Can’t wait to see you!! When do you get back to Cornell??
Caton: How is being a teacher going??
Naomi: Congrats on the job?? How’s it going??

So, now that I am back at Cornell, I miss all of you even more. It’s very strange to be here without you guys. Now for an update on my life:

So I moved in Thursday to my new apartment. It’s pretty nice and big. It was quite an ordeal to get all my stuff and furniture up here. Imagine me with my car packed following my dad with our truck packed, my mattresses standing on ends pulling a trailer of furniture. My roommates are really nice. My bath-roommate is very quiet. Think much quieter than I am, if that is possible. So, as you can imagine, when the 2 of us are alone we kind of awkwardly stare at each other. I think it will get better though. My other roommate is the definition of a jap. I have never been in a store where someone just picks out what they want, w/out even considering price. She also did not know the difference between laundry detergent and fabric softener, so to say the least it should be an interesting year. She is very nice though, but she reminds me of girls from SDT. Her parents took me out to dinner last night, so I guess I can’t complain. We went to the Taste of Thai, a first for me. The food was interesting and I think would take some getting used to, but it wasn’t bad. We went to the farmers market today and I got some amazing peaches and strawberries—so you should all be jealous.

I start orientation tomorrow (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!). Supposedly tomorrow is stuff on the ropes course, my favorite :(. We’ll see if I can break a leg or kick someone in the face, should be interesting. I officially start classes on Thursday, so then I will no longer have a life. I just got my schedule and have classes from like 8-5 everyday, so should be fun!!

I miss all of you dearly and if anyone would like to visit I have a nice pullout couch in my living room for your use (except Kristin, you can go back to your apartment :-) , unless you really have the desire to stay).


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All quiet on the western front

Hey Girls!

I'm glad to see everything is going well! Congrats on the job search, Naomi! That's awesome! And thanks for the B-day wishes:) Btw... I haven't been able to follow the bachelorette since my parents would destroy the t.v. if I even tried to watch it, but did you hear that Ed had been cheating on her? That's what the tabloids have been saying- I think Juan would have been better.

Well anyway, everything here has been going pretty well- I had a great b-day in NYC- my mom and I went to the Metropolitan- it was amazing. Now I've been preparing for school- I registered for classes and I kinda feel like I'm a new student again- it's annoying, though, because I have to fill out all the new-student forms. I also have to write a self-analysis and area assessment before the 26th for my student teaching- I've been procrastinating like crazy. This weekend is my family graduation party and then I leave next week. I still don't know what the housing is going to be like. I'll be in Gun Hill with my own room- there's actually 2 guys and another girl living with me so I should feel right at home. The funny thing is, though- the girl I'm subleasing from didn't tell her housemates that I'd be replacing her- the one girl was kind of surprised to hear it- it's kinda weird. For a Fernando update- he called me a few more times- one drunken phone call and another couple of calls- I'm slightly dreading running into him this semester. Other than that, not too much excitement- I've still been working with the 4-H office and helping on the farm. I also bumped into my old friend, Ashley, so we've been hanging out a little. Well I hope you guys are having fun and enjoying the last days of summer! Good luck with the job, Naomi, and the teaching, Caton- let me know how everything goes! And I'll see you soon Judy!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Caton...I hate to admit it but...

You were right! I meant to say this in my post yesterday, but I kind of forgot. My mind was going in every direction.

In the Bachelorette, Ed prevailed. This round I give to you. So what is it, a tie?

I guess we have to go best out of three, now we just need the next season.

Hope you are all doing well.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh and I forgot...

Happy Birthday Kristin!

The Real World Starts...Tuesday!

Hey girls,

Well, my road trip pretty much ended as soon as it started. I mentioned that I was stopping in Boston to interview for a job before I headed out to St. Louis. Well, apparently it went well because as soon as I arrive in St. Louis, I got a call from the Animal Rescue League of Boston and they offered me a job. So I start this Tuesday as an animal care and adoption agent right in Boston. It doesn't pay a whole heck of a lot to start with, but they said that you earn raises regularly and there will be opportunities to move up in the shelter. Another plus is that Dr. Scarlett (the woman that I worked for at the vet school) is very good friends with the vice president of animal welfare and new program development who is a veterinary epidemiologist and an adjunct professor at Tufts. So things are looking up, and I think this job will be good for me until I decide to go back for graduate school.

Kristin, I am so glad that you are finally able to write on the blog. I wasn't 100% sure I was giving you correct chair lives on... :) It was good hearing about your summer thus far. It seems pretty crazy with all the family drama and then of course Fernando. Thank god you ended it and did not go to Peru with him. I, too, fear that you would not have come back in one piece. Good luck with grad school, I bet you are pretty excited to get back to Cornell soon.

Judy, Ohio seems fantastic (note: using sarcasm). I drove through Ohio to get to and from St. Louis and it was like the worst time of my life. Sooooo long of a drive....sooo many cops...and not much to look at. I wouldn't worry too much about your neighbors, it isn't like you will be there too much longer. Are you excited to start veterinary school? I was updated on a ton of gossip about each class. More information than I really care about, but I guess all I have to say is good luck and get ready for some serious drama. (but really we all know that you love the long as you are not directly involved)

Caton, so you are back in nashville, and Jenna is visiting! That is awesome. I wish I could have visited but money is slightly tight right now and now that I am starting work I won't have time for a while. :( When does school start? I want to hear all about your first days. Ms. teacher extraordinaire!

If you read this while Jenna is still with you, tell her I need her cell number. I recently got a new phone because my other had a serious water incident, and I tried to reenter numbers, but I don't have the right number for her, because I tried calling her the other day, but I talked to someone named Brian. Interesting. Well, anyway tell her I miss her. (I miss the rest of you too of course)

Well girls, this weekend I am moving into my brothers apartment in Framingham, Massachusetts, just 20 minutes outside of Boston, and of course you are all welcome to visit me...anytime. (Don't worry about my brother, hes practically living with his girlfriend, and the only reason he let me move in with him is because he feels bad about leaving his cat without human companionship for days on end.)

Getting into the city is pretty easy and there is much more to do in Boston than in Ithaca. Also, the pool of guys is much larger in the city than my little rinky-dink town in New Hampshire. All in all life is pretty good. things are going well, though I wish we were all going to be reunited in just a few short weeks.

Miss you all